Between the Gaps國界之間

Between the gaps國界之間

Fashion design graduation collection
Materials: Plastic net, nylon fibers, rubberbands, snap button, fur, wool
Photograph: 郭芳維
Make up: 謝宏展
Models: 黃姝毓、姜婕

曝光:薛之謙-『高尚』MV、2017 Happy Hair髮型大賽

Between the gaps國界之間

The inspiration for my design comes from the Syrian refugees who are stuck between two borders, far away from the home that they know.
The strongest influences being the Syrian women, weak and strong at the same time. Weak because they can’t do anything to stop the war and fighting in their own country. Strong because they take a giant leap of faith when they try to go to a completely new country so that they can give their loved ones a safe home and a better future than the ones they would have in Syria.


自2011年敘利亞內亂發生至今,短短 5年,超過27萬人不幸在戰火中身亡。在政府軍、反政府軍、伊斯蘭國(IS)的衝突戰火間,有約1350萬人被迫逃出家園,流離失所。





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